Return rules

We hope you are satisfied with your purchase, but if necessary, your order can be returned in whole or in part within 14 days of receipt.

How long do I have to return an item?

If you changed your mind and want to return items from your order, you have 14 days to place a return request online and post your parcel by our courier. This 14‑day period does not include the shipping.

How to make a return

Please see our Refund policy before making a return.

Once you’re sure that your return complies with our policy, follow the steps below:

To request a return, please contact us by e-mail Enter your order number for the items you want to return and the reason for the return. Please note, the return shipping fee will be deducted from your refund. After you confirm the refund (by clicking the Submit button), you will receive the return documents by email. Please print it. Without this step we won’t be able to process your return.
Remove all other shipping labels from the box. Prepare the printed return label (AWB) before courier comes. Usually the return collection will process within 24 hours. The exact day of return collection will be coordinated with you via a phone call from the transportation company or noted in return label which you receive by email. Please expect the email with confirmation and all required documents within one working day.
Give the parcel and the printed document to the courier to return it to the warehouse.

Important Information

1. Items must be returned unused with all Amore Sample tags still attached. Returns that do not meet our policy will be sent back to you. Any garments that appear to have been worn, washed, or altered in any way will be refused.*

*Please note that the return of your order is made at your own expense. The return shipping fee will be deducted from your refund.

2. To ensure your return is covered by our returns policy and reaches us promptly, items must be returned from the same country to which they were delivered. Orders sent back from a different destination may incur additional charges or be delayed by customs.

3. We cannot be held responsible for any returns made via other postal services.

4. Please provide your local phone number so that the courier can contact you to arrange the return pickup. Contact us.

5. Items purchased in-store can only be returned at our stores in Dubai Mall and Marina Mall. Items purchased online must be returned to our warehouse through courier services, following the instructions above.

How much will it cost me to return a parcel?

Bali — free
Indonesia — 10$
UAE — 25$
The GCC* — 10,95$
The EU** — 25,95$
The UK — $21,95
The USA — $29,95
The UZ, AZ, KZ*** — $24,95
China — $32,95
All other locations — $64,95

*Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait.
**Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
***Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan.

Please note that the cost of the original and return shipping will be deducted from your refund.

How long will it take my return to reach you?

It usually takes 4–10 days for returns to reach our warehouse, excluding time required for customs clearance.

Did you receive my return?

You will get an email as soon as we receive your parcel. If you do not hear from us within 14 days, please contact our customer service. Please keep the proof of shipment with the tracking number until you get the refund.

When will I receive my refund?

After we receive your return, we do our best to process the refund as soon as possible. The refund may take up to 14 days to reflect in your account, depending on your bank or credit card issuer. The refund is issued to the original payment method, unless you have requested otherwise when registering your return. Please note, we do not make refunds to third parties. We are also unable to refund shipping fees for your order.

Can I exchange an item?

We cannot offer exchanges at the moment. If you want to exchange an item you received, please return it and place a new order.

I’ve received a faulty item — what do I do?

We want to provide you with the best-quality products, but sometimes mistakes can happen despite all of our quality assurance. If the item you received is faulty, please contact our Customer Service team at with the photos of the defect, as well as your personal information and order details.